Sound Beginnings
educating children through musical play
For children ages 0-4 & their caregivers.
Jungle Journey
Summer 2023
8-12 children with their caregivers.
Each SUMMER session is 4 weeks long -
Classes are two days per week for a total of 8 classes.
Need the enrollment code for your teacher?
Text Meg at 219-851-4506 or Katie at 262-794-2570.
Jungle Journey with Mrs. Meg
June 2023
Wednesdays AND Fridays from 9:30-10:00am - register here
Class Dates: June 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th, 30th
Jungle Journey with Mrs. Katie
Mid-June to Mid-July 2023
Tuesdays AND Thursdays - register here
Class time options:
Class Dates: June 20th, 22nd, 27th, 29th; July 6th, 11th, 13th, 18th
Materials (purchase online at registration):
$27.99 workbook, digital album and semester instrument
$2.99 shipping/handling fee
*New families must purchase the Sound Beginnings Tote Bag*
Tuition (due the first day of class):
$90 for first child per semester.
$30 for each additional sibling per semester.
The Jungle Journey semester description
This semester highlights many preschool concepts/skills, including
the Jungle
songs across cultures
the body
We also study musical concepts such as
the major scale
keeping a steady beat
loud & soft
up & down
high & low
fast & slow
rhythmic subdivision
solfege names & hand signs
singing in tune
classical music listening
accompaniment with bells
instrument families
vocal play
As in all SB semesters, we also cover
letter names & sounds
concepts about print
tracking left to right
exposure to ASL alphabet
counting to 10
identifying name sequencing
listening to a story sung aloud
sharing and taking turns
parent/child bonding
sibling bonding
imaginative play & creativity listening
group interaction and teamwork.
Sound Beginnings teaches these concepts by incorporating Literacy and Kindergarten Skills, Fine Motor Skills, Gross Motor Skills, Rhythm and Beat, Vocal and Pitch Development and Parent Bonding (how your child learns best!).
Summer classes meet twice a week for 4 weeks. Classes are 30 minutes in length. Caregivers attend with their child every week.
Learn more at